One solution, many features

everything you need for professional presentations combined in one unique tool.

Present Interactivly

With presono a new generation of presentation begins. We use technologies and possibilities as usual on the web today. You will inspire your audience with a very special, unique experience and surprise them with unusual interaction. Static content and linear presentation are a thing of the past. With presono it is possible to integrate interactive overlays and menus into presentations quickly and easily. The result are flexible, dynamic, exciting presentations with a sales-promoting wow effect.

Online & Offline

presono can be used in the browser or in our app (Windows, Android, iOS, OSX) to inspire the audience either online or offline. Therefore no internet connection is needed to use all advantages of presono always and everywhere.

Unique Content Management

The central administration of any content enables a simple overview, a simple search through full text indexing and allows individual elements to be updated quickly and centrally. presono keeps its users up to date by means of central data management. Layout specifications can be updated by mouse click for the entire company. Obsolete designs, incorrect content and unnecessary duplicates are a thing of the past.

Comment and collaborate

presono offers all the advantages you need to work in teams, with partners or customers on shared content with a common platform that is accessible. Change requests, annotations and praise can be easily transmitted directly in the tool and to the right context.


Every presentation held in your company or team is automatically recorded and saved. This makes it easy to see which content has been shown and you have an automatic backup.

Easy Sharing

After a successful presentation the shown slides can easily be split without any manual post-processing. presono offers the possibility to send presentations by mouse click and automatically generated weblink. Thus the uncomfortable sending of huge amounts of data is a thing of the past.

Flexible Presenting

You would like to be able to insert the content you need at any time. Use slides, images, videos, PDF files which are not in your prepared presentation? No problem, with presono spontaneous extensions without having to leave the current presentation are possible at any time.

Multimedia Content

By using web technology you can let your creativity run free. presono offers a unique possibility to integrate file types like PDF, 3D animations and many other multimedia elements impressively and fast. The result are unique, modern presentations that will inspire your customers, colleagues and partners and make a clear difference!

Multilingual Content

With presono you don't have to create and maintain the same content in multiple languages. Changing different languages directly in the slide you are using is no problem.

User & Access Rights

Since not all content should be publicly accessible for everyone, it is important to keep a simple control over it. presono also allows the fixed integration of a corporate design, which is always up to date with the help of the central data management and can not be changed by everyone.


Find out which slides, content and presentations are most successful. Presono has an analysis tool that comprehensively examines the content you view and makes all data available for optimization so that you have all the insights you need for sales and marketing.