The power of the image

A presentation without attention-grabbing images is like a Sacher cake without whipped cream. One can make, will probably leave however no lasting impression. Because exactly this Sahnehubchen is it nevertheless, which constitutes an impressive (taste) experience and this in memory keeps lets.

There we can build with presono the greatest presentation tool of all times, if its users do not insert exciting visuals, the Präsi output at the end is probably only half as big. So now we have a short excursion into the world of pictures and why they are so terribly important for successful presentations!

A picture says more than a thousand words ...

"One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words". This banal-sounding slogan first appeared in the US advertising magazine "Printers Ink" on March 10, 1927. And it's still true today! Because optical sensory stimuli are processed in the brain much faster than all the others. After all, it stores information in the form of images. As soon as one hears a noun such as dog, car, flower or airplane, the brain immediately shows one a picture.

Who wants to transport difficult facts directly into the brain, uses thus impressive visualizations. Because pictures generate emotions and thus quickly become memorable symbols for complex relationships.

In combination with a lively, pictorial language, one can convince its listeners therefore in the twinkling of an eye of an idea or a product. This makes it easier for the audience to link the presented information with their own image database and its knowledge.

Are you ready for the action?

More action, more attention! High-quality images are the be-all and end-all of any successful presentation!

3 Tips for the next presentation:

1. Search for spectacular high-quality images!
Flaps also through free image agencies like flickr, Pexels and Pixabay or image search engines like But attention: Pay attention to picture rights and licenses!

2. Link core statements with visualizations!
If no suitable pictures are available, sketches can also help if necessary.

3. Use a concrete, pictorial language!
Statements such as "With it you can increase your turnover significantly." are difficult to grasp.
"With it you can increase your turnover by 1.5 million euros annually. Normally you would have to process 10,000 more orders for it." however immediately stimulates the imagination of the listener.