Project & Account Manager Sarah Koll: Happy customers are the most beautiful thing!

Empathy, heart and passion - Sarah Koll inspires not only our entire team, but also our customers. With great sensitivity, the project and account manager makes sure that all project processes are perfectly coordinated and that customer presentations not only reflect the most important information, but also the soul of each company. To this end, the Salzburg-born is always available to all parties involved with an open ear as well as creative and innovative solutions. In the exciting presono talk, Sarah reveals what particularly inspires her about these processes, the special rituals with which she starts her presentations and the aha-moments that trigger feelings of happiness in her.

Since when do you work at presono and how did you come to presono?

I am happy to be part of the presono team since the beginning of this year. I have always been very interested in the topic of presentation, especially IT and digitalisation are exciting and fascinating fields for me. I had previously worked in an advertising agency, but I had been following presono for a long time and knew that now was the right time to finally follow my passion and dive into the world of presentations.

What is your role in the team and what does your daily work look like?

Managing, leading and coordinating projects is one of my main tasks. I make sure that customers are optimally cared for and are satisfied and happy at the end of the day. Internally I coordinate the project processes, which requires a certain amount of tact and sensitivity. Every designer in our team creates a unique atmosphere with his or her creations - matching these with the client's values, philosophy, character and personality requires empathy.

What is the biggest challenge in your job?

At the beginning it was difficult to keep track. With so many projects you have to be very self-organized to keep the big picture - with the right to-do list and a great team behind you, this initial challenge quickly became a thing of the past.

What do you like best about your job?

When I see my customers happy - that's a very nice and fulfilling feeling. I enjoy maintaining good customer contact when people trust me and my surroundings feel comfortable around me. At a company presentation, I make sure that in addition to the optimal technical execution, the personality and heart of a company are also included - this task is very enriching for me.

What inspires you about the #nextgenerationofpresentation?

I am enthusiastic about the many possibilities within the tool. On the one hand it is very easy to use and on the other hand it offers a great playground for all who are interested in digital and design technology. Eye-catching effects such as pulsating buttons and 3D animations are also something completely new for the viewer.

What I was not aware of for a long time is that conventional tools take too much time to prepare a presentation. After all, you want to stand in front of a customer and shine with an optimal presentation - every time anew. With presono's central administration & rights management this process is much easier and saves a lot of time. The fixed corporate design is another important advantage and working in a team with presono is not only more time efficient but also more effective. In the end, the presenter can finally focus completely on the content.

What makes a good presentation in your eyes?

I am a fan of simple presentations with little text and an exciting eye-catcher, which can be used throughout the entire presentation. The art is to explain complex topics in a simple way and to convey them in an understandable way. A really good presentation, however, is ultimately characterized by the sympathy and personal touch of the presenter.

What is in your opinion the absolute greatest no-go in a presentation?

Too much text on the slides is an absolute no-go for me. After all, the presentation should be purely a support for the presenter and the audience to visually underline the most important message. But the emotions that are transported during a presentation are ultimately decisive. If you don't put your heart into it, if you don't feel passion for a topic, you will not be able to inspire in the end.

What do you like best about presenting?

I find the reactions of the audience very exciting. I also find it nice to watch how I myself get absorbed in the presentation when I present something that fascinates me - like our tool, for example. I am a very passionate person and always put my heart into my work - I think that is also one of the most important success factors to inspire people. Watching our customers' aha-moments when they realize how we can easily solve their long-standing problems is always great.

How do you get in the mood for a presentation?

Shortly before a presentation, breathing exercises are enormously helpful to calm down and find your own center. In general I always start the day in a positive way and take my dog "Sammy" for a walk in the nature, where I get a lot of energy and strength already at sunrise. After this relaxed morning ritual, nothing can go wrong - because the peace and quiet that I have gained helps me not only in presenting, but also in every situation in life.

What do you prefer?

a) Sleep long or get up early?

I discovered the beautiful morning hours for me a few years ago and try to use every day. To go for a long walk with the dog in the morning or to do some sports is the perfect start into the day for me.

b) Outdoor sports or fitness studio?

I need both! I like to be in nature - of course I'm out a lot with Sammy and not least because of that I'm very close to nature. By the way, it has even been scientifically proven that the stress level drops already during a 15-minute stay in the countryside. Nevertheless, I also need the gym once or twice a week to get the energy out.

c) Cooking or ordering food?

eating is basically something beautiful for me, and for me this includes loving cooking. I try to eat healthy food, am a big salad fan and like to create different salad variations. But I wouldn't want to do without pasta or other Italian delicacies.

d) Films or series?

I am a fan of philosophical films that inspire reflection and discussion. If a series can do that as well, then I like to watch them as well. One of my favorite series is "This is us" (German title: "Das ist Leben") - a very touching series.

e) City trip or relaxing vacation?

I love to go for a long weekend in an exciting city. But I prefer to combine casual city life with relaxation and the sea. Barcelona is a beautiful place that has a lot to offer in this respect.