Most presentations are an optical disaster: Make sure that yours is not one of them

We all know it and we all want to avoid it: Unpleasant, boring presentations. We will tell you how you can easily create professional presentations with templates and how they become a visual eye-catcher.

The content has to be right - but so does the packaging: The visual appearance is up to 80 % decisive for the overall impression

Probably every one of you has experienced presentations (or even designed it yourself), and sometimes you can only shake your head at the sight of it. Thousands of images on a slide, unreadable font sizes and annoying animations make the audience drift away way too fast. While content is the most important factor in presentations, studies show that an appealing design determines up to 80% of the overall impression. It not only helps to transport the content effectively to the audience, but also to emphasize certain aspects and captivate the audience. In addition, most presentation designs do not correspond to the corporate design - over 70% according to a study! But inconsistent company presentations do not make a good impression. In short: The content can be as good as it is, if the packaging is not right, you will quickly lose your audience.  

You should definitely avoid these design errors

On average, each employee produces about 48 presentations per year. That is quite a lot! Nevertheless, massive design errors can still be found in most presentations. Typical design traps in presentations include:  

  • texts that can only be deciphered with a magnifying glass: The content on your slides can be as concise as you like, but if no one can read it, it is useless. That is why a sufficiently large font size is important when designing presentation slides.
  • Text, text and even more text: Too much text on slides seems overloaded and overwhelms even the most attentive viewer - after all, presentations are no Word documents!
  • Pictures-boom: To underline contents with graphics is the be-all and end-all of every presentation. But even too many pictures on the slides are a real design killer.
  • Use the entire color palette: Too many colors appear restless and inconsistent. Stick to the corporate design when choosing colors and do not confuse your audience with a color explosion.
  • Distract with too much gimmickry: Classic presentation tools like PowerPoint encourage the use of too many animation possibilities: Should the next slide rotate, fade or should it fly in? Too much movement distracts the eye from the essentials, looks confusing and usually not very professional.  

At first glance, many of these mistakes seem to be easily avoidable, but the step to a really appealing and professional presentation design is a big one. So creating can quickly become a real design task and the skills to create a graphically appealing presentation are often limited. This is exactly where professional templates are a real relief. Because templates developed by design professionals enable the creation of a multimedia and visually appealing presentation - independent of graphic know-how. 

40% time saving with Template Sets

The next product presentation or an important sales meeting is coming up and you still need to create a presentation quickly? Unfortunately, it's usually not that easy. In fact, 40% of your working time with PowerPoint is spent on formatting work and only 60% on content - and that's with an average of 20 hours per month spent working with PowerPoint. The three biggest time wasters are: formatting the slides attractively, searching for existing slides and templates and adapting old slides to the current template. There is also room for improvement when using templates in PowerPoint. In numbers: A proud 34% of a presentation could be automated by using templates.

Templates are therefore not only a visual enrichment, they also speed up the entire creation process. From the cover page to animations and formatting, everything is already stored. This allows the presenter to concentrate even more on what is in the focus of each presentation: The content. In addition, presono makes time-consuming steps such as searching for company templates and adapting the slides to the current design unnecessary. Because all design templates are centrally stored and always up to date.

individuality despite prefabricated design

An additional advantage of presentation templates is the possibility to add your own elements despite the elaborate and attractive design of the templates. This way, the overall concept results in a presentation design that looks professional and yet is not an "off-the-peg design". At presono you can choose between numerous templates for different topics. Also within the templates there are numerous choices, for example between different content slides. Which elements you like and which you would rather replace with your own ideas is up to you. All that is missing for a perfect presentation are your own pictures, logos and texts, which can be easily added. 

presono offers many modern templates for different areas for selection

Create own templates according to corporate branding

Use templates AND meet the corporate branding? No problem! With our presentation solution, it is possible to create your own templates in accordance with your corporate design, which can then be used by every employee. This reduces the risk of inconsistent presentations. This risk can be completely avoided by the included rights management. Because you can simply decide for yourself who is allowed to change the design and who is not. Thus, for example, the marketing department can take care of the professional design and the sales department can focus on the content.

Goodbye boring presentations!

Save time, increase productivity and easily create professional presentations: Templates are real all-rounders. So if you don't want to fall victim to the classic design mistakes again during your next presentation, you should definitely rely on the practical design aids. 

Templates: Test now for free!

All templates and prefabricated design possibilities of presono can be tried out immediately in the 60-day trial version at your whim. The design options have been created by qualified graphic designers and are waiting to make your presentation a visual eye-catcher. 

Image: ©Adobe/bodnarphoto