Focus on digitalisation as podcast format: #4 e-commerce

The Corona pandemic and the lockdown have not only boosted e-commerce, but also generated many new customers for a lot of brands. This is particularly true for business that were already well positioned in the online sector before the crisis started or promptly expanded it. For all those who are still lagging behind, there are helpful tips & tricks in episode #4 of the lockdown podcast special by presono founders Martin Behrens and Hannes Freudenthaler. 

The Corona crisis has triggered many behavioral changes in our society, which will probably continue even if the social distancing requirements relax and stores open again. Virtual fitness courses, video conferencing and the delivery of everyday products are for example already established – along with a new age of e-commerce

Despite these rapid developments, many companies and service providers have not yet built an e-commerce system. In order to push digitalisation and online presentations, the two presono founders Martin and Hannes give helpful tips and reveal in podcast episode #4 how to approach the development of an online store, how to enable a quick and easy start, which tools are best suited for this purpose and how to set up an international price determination using the Big Mac Index.

Here you can find the fourth episode of the Achtung Achterbahn special: 

Spotify, Apple Podcasts on the we player and on all other popular podcast portals. If you don't just want to listen, but also watch something, you can follow the special episodes on Youtube. 

More information about the episode and the shows notes can be found on the website of Achtung Achterbahn

PS: Here you can find the first three podcast episodes on internal and external communication as well as marketing & sales

PPS: Please note, that the podcast is only available in german.