Better management with presono Part 2 Content search

Are you tired of constantly searching for the latest version of your presentation? We can understand that! So that you don't have to feverishly look for the latest file in the entire company structure before your next presentation, presono has developed an ultra-light and super-effective content search!

PROBLEM: Complete overview of presentations missing

Finding the correct or current version of a presentation in the data structure of a company can quickly become a gauntlet with conventional presentation software.

After all, who knows after a few weeks whether the marketing department, sales or the graphics office was working on the slides last? And then, of course, the question arises in which folder the latest version is stored.

Thanks to presono's supersmart filter, content can be found in many different ways.

solution: This is how to search & can be found at presono

With presono, not only is all data in one central location, but thanks to the supersmart content filter, it can also be searched and found in the system in many different ways. After all, every employee and colleague thinks differently and saves according to different criteria: Individual media such as pictures, videos and animations as well as slides or even whole presentations can therefore be tracked down via the content search, work areas or categories.

And best of all: presono even forgives typos! Long search actions are a thing of the past!

Your advantages:

With presono you not only have all your data stored in one place, but you can also search, find and adapt them unerringly. This not only saves time, money and nerves, but also guarantees highly professional presentations! More (sales) success for you is of course included!

HERE you will find more information on how you can present even more easily with presono!