Better analysis with presono

Nowadays, when someone collects data, it always has a bad taste. But in our case it is different - because at presono users collect their own data! And this generates a very positive sales effect for their products and services.

PROBLEM: Valuable presentation data is not recorded

Imagine you are giving a presentation with a conventional software. You rigidly present your prepared slide sequence and try to convince your audience or your customer of your products. With some slides you will stay longer, possibly discuss about it - other slides and products will meet less interest.

Since you are always a bit stressed during a presentation, it is difficult to remember which products and information were ultimately interesting for your customer. When you return to the office after a customer visit, you have probably forgotten a large part of the customer feedback. The fact that you then meticulously write down what you finally remembered and file these notes accordingly is probably also more of a wishful thinking. Because as soon as you switch on your computer, countless unanswered emails and to-dos are waiting for you. And bang, the valuable presentation information is history.

presono comprehensively evaluates all held presentations and provides information about the duration of stay, shown or skipped slides, used presentation language, activated links and much more.

solution: presono analyses every presentation

With presono you are on the safe side when it comes to data analysis. Because our software provides you with exact information after each presentation, which slides were shown for how long, which links were clicked, which videos were played and which slides were spontaneously added or skipped (you remember our special features).

By means of central data management presono makes your detailed presentation analysis available within your user group. presono's automatically executed presentation analysis can be viewed immediately by authorised users. With the collected presentation data you can easily analyse and optimise your sales or services.

Your advantages:

With presono your presentations are automatically analyzed and evaluated. The corresponding data is securely stored and can be easily accessed within your company using central data management.

How easy, flexible and interactive you can present with presono, read HERE!

How presono simplifies the content search of data, you can read HERE!